Villa Maria

It is not easy to tell your Dad that you are quitting a career in carpentry to try your hand at making wine. But in 1961, at the age of 21, that's exactly what Sir George Fistonich did. He leased five acres of land from his father, planted one acre with grapes and started making wine under the name 'Villa Maria'.Since those first cuttings took hold in the soil in Auckland, New Zealand, Sir George has remained focussed on his goal: "Uppermost in my mind as we grow is that we should stay true to the principles that we started with over 50 years ago: the pursuit of quality, innovation and passion for a particular style that is New Zealand. Above all, we want to make wines that everyone can enjoy, everywhere." Still 100% New Zealand and family owned, Villa Maria has won fans worldwide over the last 50 years. Sir George's dedication to quality remains unwavering and as a result, Villa Maria Estate holds the accolade of being New Zealand's most awarded winery for over thirty consecutive years.


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